- We have rules in "addz" that we will not allow to violate in order to maintain a clean browsing environment on our platform.
- It is strictly forbidden to add any pornographic, homosexual, sectarian or sectarian hostility content, and we will remove it from our platform.
- Any fanatical political content against a state or calling for demonstrations or political coups will be banned.
- VIP subscribers around the world are kindly requested not to change the links of their social media accounts that they put in order to benefit from advertising their content so that we do not promote links they changed and we will not be responsible for this error issued by them because once VIP is activated around the world, our team will promote your content around the world throughout the year.
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You can contact us when needed by clicking on the Contact Us link available in our website links
Your concerns and concern about the confidentiality and privacy of data is a matter of utmost importance to us. We hope that this will be achieved through this policy.